Podcast is Live!

A couple weeks ago that I was interviewed for a local podcast, which focuses on local business owners and professional leaders. The podcast is now live!

Please forgive the first three minutes’ audio quality and informality. Quality improves at about 3:20. In the first few minutes we were just casually shooting the breeze as audio was getting set up, but then my gracious hosts decided to keep it in the podcast because it was interesting background.

Topics covered include risks facing nearly-/recently-retired folks and how those risks can be addressed, independent advisors vs. commissioned brokers, fees, active vs. passive, types of bonds to consider, stocks vs. bonds, potential returns over next 10 years, bitcoin, Tesla, Apple, steps you can take right now, when should someone hire a professional advisor, how to determine your investment strategy, etc…

There is some great stuff in here. I hope you find it interesting and helpful and share!

Thanks again to Variant Productions for the time and opportunity!

podcast link