The Other Side of the Coin: Short-Term Indicators

Normally, when evaluating the markets I focus on valuations, but today I’m going to focus on shorter-term signals.

The reason I normally focus so heavily on valuation metrics is because they help inform investment strategy and rates of return assumed within clients’ financial plans. However, as I’ve stated ad nauseam over the last year, even the most reliable valuation metrics aren’t useful for predicting short-term returns. The reliability of valuations relates to subsequent 10-12 year market returns, which is why I thought I’d provide perspective from a different angle today.

Shorter-term price movements are mainly a psychological phenomenon driven by investor emotions and their inclination towards speculation or risk-avoidance regardless of underlying fundamentals. As you can probably guess, it is far more difficult to forecast short-term returns for this reason. Short-term movements are not necessarily grounded in fundamentals, which is why valuations can occasionally become extremely high (e.g. 1929, 2000, 2018) and extremely low (e.g. 1942, 1982).

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2017 Review: A Truly Extraordinary Year

On many fronts, 2017 was a year for the ages and will likely go down as significant in history. There were several records set by the markets in terms of returns, volatility and valuations.

Because this is an annual review it’s much longer than my typical commentaries. So, if you’re short on time and just want the highlights from 2017 check out the outline and table on pages 3-5. Link to the PDF is provided below.




This Has Never Happened Before. The MOST Extreme Stock Market Valuations In History

Executive Summary

  • Over the last month, U.S. stock market valuations, using the most historicallyreliable measures, have become the highest they’ve ever been. Ever.
  • Based on current valuations, the next bear market in stocks may result in losses exceeding 60% from the ultimate top.
  • The next decline will be painful for most investors as every bear market tends to be but particularly problematic for folks nearing retirement and those already retired. All their retirement plans may be in jeopardy if they do not take steps to adequately protect their wealth and preserve their financial independence first and foremost!
  • There is hope for disciplined investors who understand the difference between a marathon and a sprint! For those investors, the next bear market may provide many attractive, sustainable, and sound investment opportunities at much cheaper valuations.

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Quarterly Market Review: 2017.Q3

Below you’ll find a summary of 3rd quarter and year-to-date returns for a handful of market indexes covering the globe.

Stocks continued to perform extremely well in the third quarter boosting year-to-date returns well into the double-digits. The top performing assets were foreign stocks with emerging market stocks more than doubling the returns of the U.S. stock market. Broad commodities have been the poorest performer for the year so far.

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